"Bust the Stigma! Heal the Healers"

"Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare healers faced elevated rates of burnout, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicide. Now more than ever, we must support the well-being of our healthcare workforce." -Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation

In the medical field, the established premise is that you do not seek mental healthcare. A mindset shift is critical for real progress to be made for our Healthcare Responders. For too long, the healthcare industry has looked down on any worker needing mental, behavioral, or emotional help and support.

Responders 1ST CallTM provides this support, guidance, and encouragement to these fragile Healthcare Responders through 24/7/365, in-the-moment access to trauma trained Behavioral Health experts through our:

Trauma Helpline. Immediate, in-the-moment consultations with master's level clinicians experienced in providing trauma first aid

Frontline Behavioral Risk Management Consultations. Immediate support to identify and assist "at-risk" employees before a disruption in the workplace

Family Mental Health Consultations & Guidance. Immediate, in-the-moment, consultations with master's level clinicians to address emotional health issues and stressors encountered by family members

Virtual Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Web-based, self-directed, EMDR endorsed by the Veterans Assoc., Department of Defense, World Health Organization, and American Psychiatric Assoc as an effective treatment for PTSD and trauma


  1. More than 8 in 10 emergency room physicians like Breen reported feeling more stress during the pandemic
  2. Nearly half of physicians said they were not comfortable seeking mental health treatment, according to a poll released in October by the American College of Emergency Physicians and Morning Consult
  3. More than 70% of those polled said there is a stigma in their workplace around getting help
  4. In 2020, healthcare professionals filed nearly 43% more mental health claims than in 2019, by far the biggest increase in any industry researchers analyzed
  5. Among women, suicide incidence among nurses in 2017-2018, before COVID, was 17.1 per 100,000 versus 8.6 per 100,000 in the general female population





Thanks to the Breen Heroes Foundation, Senate Bill S2507C is the first-of-its-kind legislation https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/s2507/amendment/c that is committed to helping. Be a part of this movement. It is time to support and encourage our healthcare healers to reach out and accept mental health aid in a confidential, informal, and trustworthy environment. These real solutions are essential, effective, and available immediately in-the-moment of need.

Responders 1ST CallTM is responding to "The Call" with confidential, informal, and anonymous solutions through a single toll-free phone number. And no identifying information is provided to management or peers.

Responders 1ST CallTM is available telephonically 24/7/365 with master's level Behavioral Health clinicians trained in trauma crisis management. We work with the root cause of the problem to help healthcare workers destress, digest the incident(s), and navigate long-term solutions.

Contact us today to learn how we will help you, your healthcare healers, or loved ones. For more information Just Call! 800-381-1787

Visit here to learn more about what one Medical Doctor's sister did to help break the stigma. Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation is working on eliminating the barriers Medical Professionals have when seeking and receiving mental health help.

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